Self-catering is a very popular holiday choice for so many families and groups. It’s easy, it offers flexibility and can suit everyone’s needs and requirements. Self-catering accommodation in the Peak District allows you to sit back and relax whilst enjoying your favourite food and drinks.

Self Catering Accommodation in the Peak District will also save you money, there’s no need to book days out around eateries. You can buy all the food you know your family and friends will enjoy, rather than leaving half plates of empty food in restaurants. It can be especially useful for children/adults with dietary requirements or other additional needs.

Imagine cooking breakfast with a view looking out over the hills, or having a BBQ with gorgeous woodland around you. Self-catering means you aren’t tied to mealtimes, you can come and go as you please which appeals to so many people. This leaves you to make the most of every minute of the Peak District

Types of Self Catering Accommodation in The Peak District

Holiday Cottages

Holiday Cottages offer a home from home feel for families and friends alike. You will be surrounded by creature comforts and all the mod cons you’d expect staying in a cottage. Cottages offer the advantage of privacy which is important to many. Sometimes eating in a huge restaurant or hotel can lack the personal touch and can also be quite noisy and busy. This isn’t ideal for all families and some seek a more intimate setting where food can be cooked and eaten at their leisure. You also have the flexibility of waking when you are ready, no rude awakenings from the morning cleaners. Listed below are some of the features you can expect to find in a Holiday Cottage:

  • Separate bedrooms, living space, bathroom, kitchen etc.
  • Internet access
  • Towels
  • Dog bowls (pet friendly)
  • Travel cot
  • High chair
  • Fire/wood burner
  • Outside space with table / hot tub / BBQ area
  • Oven/hob, microwave, pots, pans and other utensils
  • Fridge / freezer
  • Washing machine / Dryer
  • Parking
  • TV
  • Bed linen

Holiday Parks

Perhaps your holidays are suited to busier surroundings with the potential of interacting with other families, making new friends. Holiday parks might be the ideal choice for you in that case. Self-catering holiday parks offer the same flexibility as other accommodation types but you have on-site facilities to enjoy too. There might be parks for the children to enjoy, and on-site shops to pick up those essentials from. Holiday Parks can be a great base for exploring all the Peaks has to offer. You might expect the following amenities from a holiday park:

  • Swimming pools
  • Playgrounds
  • Walks
  • Games room
  • On-site shop
  • On-site restaurant/pub
  • Towels
  • Oven/hob, microwave, pots, pans and other utensils
  • Internet access
  • Hot tub
  • Parking
  • Fridge / freezer
  • Separate bedrooms, living space, bathroom, kitchen etc.

Self Catering Apartments

Self-catering apartments may be better suited to some holidaymakers. Perhaps you want to be in one of the more urban areas in the Peaks or you just don’t need the space a cottage offers. Perhaps you don’t intend to spend much time in the accommodation expect to eat and sleep. With an apartment you might be lucky enough for an elevated view of all the Peaks has to offer. You can be close to great walking trails and some of the bigger towns will be within easy driving distance. In a self-catering Apartment you might expect to see the following:

  • Open plan feel
  • Kitchen/dining area, bedrooms, bathroom, living area
  • Oven/hob, microwave, pots, pans and other utensils
  • Internet access
  • En suite
  • Beautiful views
  • Travel cot
  • Parking
  • Bed linen
  • Towels
  • Shared gardens
  • High chair
  • Central heating
  • TV

Self Catering Holiday Tips

Ever wished you had a list of self-catering holiday hacks beforehand so you can be fully prepared for your time away? Well, look no further as we list some of the best holiday tips for those self-catering holidays.

  • Bring supplies for the first night and next morning. You don’t want to be caught short without your favourite milky brew, do you? There will be time to do a big shop later but the last thing anyone feels like doing upon arriving at their destination is a big food shop.
  • You don’t even need to venture to a supermarket while away, does that sound appealing? If so then why not book a grocery order to be delivered at your accommodation?
  • Don’t overthink meals as you won’t want to spend hours in the kitchen cooking surely? Cold meats, salads, hard-boiled eggs and other buffet type foods are often more welcome on holiday.
  • Sometimes it’s best to avoid the bigger supermarkets altogether and instead find a local shop to use.
  • Why not close the kitchen door for the night and order from one of the many takeaway services around? It’ll feel like a proper treat after a busy day out and about.
  • Be aware of what exactly is provided at your accommodation. The last thing you want is to duplicate towels or a cot if these are already waiting for you there. Likewise, you don’t want to assume something will be available and then have to go out and buy it new. Be prepared and ask in advance.